Graduation Checklist
Student: |
Oklahoma Promise |
S1 |
S2 |
Financial Literacy |
English (4 credits required) |
English I |
English II |
English III |
Credits: |
English IV |
9 |
Math (3 credits, 2 above Alg 1) |
10 _____/2 |
Algebra 1 |
11 ____/9 |
Geometry |
12 _____/16 |
Algebra 2 |
Science (3 credits required) |
Credit Recovery |
Biology 1 |
Chem |
Physical Science |
Social Studies ( 3 credits) |
World History |
US History |
OK (.5)/ Gov't. (.5) |
Fine Arts (1 credit required) |
Foreign Language (2 yrs of same) or Computer Tech (2 years)
Additional Core (1 Credit) |
Electives (6 Credits) |
Electives (6 Credits) |
The graduation checklist is a tool used by the counselors to keep track of a students’ required classes. This tool is very user friendly and something both parents and students can easily use in helping the student plan for his/ her schedule. Each semester after grades have been finalized the counselors will print each student’s transcript. From that transcript they will make a note of the classes passed and the grades received. This allows the counselor to better determine which classes are still needed.
Graduation Requirements
23 total credits, including core and elective courses, is required
Course Requirements
4 English Credits
4 Units of English
3 Math Credits
3 Units of Math limited to Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Intermediate Algebra , Honors Trigonometry, Honors PreCalculus or AP Calculus or any math course with content and/or rigor above Algebra I and approved for college Admissions requirements; Math of Finance is not included. Beginning with the class of 2012, three math courses must be earned in grades 9-12.
3 Science Credits
1 credit of Biology and 2 credits from: Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, Physical Science, Anatomy and Physiology, and Zoology(invertebrates) and Zoology (vertebrates).
3 Social Studies Credits
.5 credit of Oklahoma History, 1 credit of World History or Honors World History, 1 credit of US History or AP US History, and .5 credit of Government.
2 Credits Foreign Language or Computer Technology
2 credits of the same Foreign Language or 2 credits of Computer Technology, excluding keyboarding or typing course.
1 Additional Core Credit
Course selected from the core subject areas listed above.
1 Fine Art Credit
1 credit of Art, Band, Choir, Drama, Musical Theater, Applied Music, Speech, Ag. Communications, Competitive Acting
Elective Credits
Additional courses to equal 23 total credits.
Financial Literacy
This is taken during a student's Senior Year.
All seniors will receive instruction in CPR & awareness of the purpose of an automated defibrillator.
State Testing Requirements
Students will take the ACT as a Junior. They will also be required to take a state Science and History test.
NCAA Eligibility Requirements and Registration
Students planning to compete in collegiate athletics must meet minimum NCAA Initial Eligibility standards for GPA, Core Course Completion and ACT/SAT scores. It is the parent's and student's responsibility to track progress towards meeting the NCAA requirements. Listed below are the courses that are approved by the NCAA. Students need to remember to choose courses that will meet Sapulpa High School Graduation Requirements as well. For more information regarding NCAA requirements, visit:
Division 1
Division 2
Sapulpa High School Courses
4 English Credits
4 English Credits
English I, Honors English I, English II, Honors English II, English III, AP Language, English IV, AP Literature, Speech, Creative Writing
3 Math Credits
3 Math Credits
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Honors Algebra II, Honors Trigonometry, Honors Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus
2 Science Credits
2 Science Credits
Biology I, AP Biology, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, Environmental Science, Human Physiology, Anatomy, Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology
1 Additional Credit
1 Additional Credits
Additional Credit from English Math, or Science listed above
2 Social Science Credits
2 Social Science Credits
Oklahoma History, World History, AP World History, US History, AP US History, Government, AP European History
4 Additional Credits
4 Additional Credits
From any area above or Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III, or Spanish IV.
16 Core Credits Required
16 Core Credits Required
For more information regarding the rules, please go to
Please call the NCAA Eligibility Center if you have questions:
Toll-free number: 877-262-1492.
Preparing for College
College is challenging. That is why colleges and universities want to make sure that you are prepared. To help you succeed, colleges and universities look at not only your overall ACT score, but also your ACT sub-scores in Science Reasoning, Mathematics, Reading, and English to determine your readiness for college-level work. These institutions have established an ACT score of 19 as the minimum for determining student readiness for college-level course work. Students must score above 18 in the four subject areas in order to avoid second-level testing and/or remedial courses.
OKCollegestart is an incredibly helpful tool for both students and parents. It includes career planning, high school planning, college planning, and financial aid planning. College costs and entrance requirements are provided all in one location for every post-secondary school in Oklahoma. A database with over 20,000 scholarships is also available through this website.
Oklahoma’s Promise
The purpose of Oklahoma’s Promise is to reward students who can do well in college, but whose families may need assistance with college costs. Students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11 with family incomes of up to $60,000 per year may apply for this tuition scholarship. Students must take the Oklahoma Promise Curriculum listed in the Curriculum Guide and the Oklahoma Promise website. Students must meet the following requirements:
- GPA requirement of overall minimum GPA of 2.5 and minimum core GPA of 2.5
- Attend school and complete homework regularly
- Refrain from substance abuse
- Refrain from criminal or delinquent acts
- Have school work and school records reviewed by appropriate school official
- When requested, provide information to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education or the State Board of Education
- Participate in program activities
(Note: Compliance with conduct standards will be based upon the local school district’s policy.) Students must apply for college financial aid when they are preparing to enroll in college.
Contact the Counseling Office or for more information.
The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is offered to sophomores and juniors once a year in October. This is a practice test for sophomores and the first step in the process of entering the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Program for juniors. Students are also given an opportunity to participate in the Student Search Service. Through this program, colleges may send students information about educational and financial aid opportunities. MyRoad, an on-line career, major and college exploration tool is available to all students who take the test through their senior year. Register early in October in the Counseling Office to take the PSAT/NMSQT. Students must pay a small fee to take the exam.
The ACT is offered at Sapulpa High School throughout the academic year. This test is given annually to approximately one million college-bound students. Juniors are encouraged to take the ACT and repeat the test their senior year if a higher score is desired. College admissions officers consider the highest composite score. Designed to assess each student’s general educational development and ability to complete college level work, the ACT is used for college admissions and scholarship purposes. Students must register online at If you receive free or reduced lunch benefits, you may take the ACT free a total of two times your junior or senior year. See your counselor for more information.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a college entrance exam required by many colleges outside of Oklahoma and a growing number of scholarship programs. It measures critical thinking, reasoning skills, math and writing. Each score is reported on a 200 to 800 scale, where 200 is low and 800 is high, as well as a new multiple-choice subscore, ranging from 20 to 80 and an essay subscore, ranging from 2 to 12. For more information or to register online go to