Sapulpa Public Schools is a suburban district close to Tulsa. It is one of the largest 5A school districts in Oklahoma with approximately 3,800 students in PK-12th grades. Sapulpa is made up of four elementary sites, one middle school, one junior high school, one high school, and one alternative academy. Each school provides schoolwide Title I services which include parental and family engagement activities.
ESSA Accountability and Assessment
Sapulpa Public Schools provides programs, activities, and procedures in alignment with the Every Student
Succeeds Act (ESSA). These programs, activities, and procedures will be developed in conjunction with input from parents and community stakeholders. The following are examples of the accountability and assessment programs, activities, and procedures provided:
- Reading and Math Assessment
- Academic Progress Plan (APP)
Parental Engagement Activities and Materials
Sapulpa Public Schools is committed to providing parental engagement activities and materials on a regular basis. Examples of these activities and materials include:
- Parent/Volunteer Roster (available through TAPS)
- Healthy and Safe Schools Committee
Sapulpa Public Schools strives to provide multiple ways to communicate with parents, families, and stakeholders on a weekly basis. Examples of communication avenues include:
- Phone calls through School Messenger
- Teacher and Principal Newsletters