Application Process:
Any student wanting to attend the program must be enrolled in Sapulpa Jr./Sr. High School. Applications can be obtained through the High School and Junior High Counseling Offices. All completed applications must be returned to the student’s assigned Counselor. The Counseling office will submit applications and make a student referral to Bartlett Academy.
Applications are reviewed during each 9 week period to determine level of priority. Depending on space and availability, students will either be contacted for an interview or placed on a waiting list.
The Interview Process:
Any student that is contacted for an interview, will meet with Bartlett staff. This interview is to determine if the student’s needs can best be served at Bartlett Academy. Parents and/or guardians are a valued part of their child’s education team and their participation in the interview process is required.
Students will receive a letter and/or email notifying them of their acceptance status within two weeks of the conclusion of the interview window.
The Intake Process:
Any student admitted into the program is required to go through the intake process. The purpose of the intake is to determine the student’s educational goals, fill out enrollment paperwork, and review school policies and procedures. One specific document required by students attending Bartlett Academy is the Student Contract Agreement. This contract is used to address specific concerns that a student may have struggled with at their sending school (Sapulpa High School or Junior High) such as attendance, discipline or academic issues. Intake meetings are scheduled at the beginning of each 9 week period. A parent/guardian must attend with any student under the age of 18.
Bartlett Academy is always a voluntary program. If the student becomes disengaged in learning, has excessive absences, becomes uncooperative, disruptive to the learning environment, a discipline problem, and/or the parent/guardian is unresponsive or uncooperative in their child’s learning, the student may be released to their sending school (High School or Junior High). If this happens, the student may reapply to the program, however, the application process will start over.