Email, Texts & Phone Calls
Sapulpa Public Schools uses School Messenger, our database-driven communications tool, for district and teacher communication with parents and students in the form of phone calls, emails, and text messages. School Messenger pulls the contact information from the school database system, PowerSchool.
It is vital for parents to have current contact information updated when you get a new email address and/or phone number. To provide us with new or updated contact information, simply call your school site office and have the front office secretary update your PowerSchool Profile.
Phone calls are usually sent by district or school site administrators and are reserved for emergencies, school closures and information of relative importance. Phone calls are sent between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. to minimize interference with parents' work or daily activities, except in the case of an emergency in which the phone calls are real-time and transmitted immediately.
Emails are sent by the district, school sites, coaches, activity group directors, and teachers to parent and/or student emails. All students are given an email account in the district. Depending on the age of your student, they may not have been instructed or aware that they have an account. Email communication to students usually occurs between the 6th and 12th-grade levels. The email addresses are accessed through PowerSchool.
You may opt to receive alert and informational texts from SPS. In addition, some teachers, coaches, and activity groups may use the text feature for communications. To allow your phone to receive texts (should the sender select the text feature), simply text "Yes" or "Y" to 67587. Standard text messaging rates will apply. Each text message will include the ability for you to opt out to no longer receive texts from us. Standard text messaging rates apply. The cell phone number used to opt into text messaging must be the same cell phone number listed as your contact in PowerSchool.
Each phone call, email, and text message will be translated into Spanish. In order to receive the communication in Spanish, please indicate as such when enrolling or when updating contact information.
If you've been contacted in error, please let us know. Email [email protected] and include the phone number and/or email to be removed from the list.