Sapulpa Public Schools and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has implemented a new, district-wide 1:1 learning initiative. We are fully committed to taking a holistic, thoughtful, and phased approach to ensure everyone - students, teachers, families, and the community - benefits from the new program, which includes:

• Learning Management System - Schoology - that allows students and teachers to enhance the classroom beyond the brick and mortar walls
• New Digital Curriculum for grades 3-12: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies
• Thoughtful and phased technology implementation
• Professional development for educators to help integrate technology and instruction smoothly
• Data Management System - edFusion - that allows staff to track progress and evaluate programs

Our goal is for students and staff to have anytime digital access to curriculum, resources, and data, thus enabling teachers to more easily tailor education to students' individual learning needs. Find out more about the partnership, read our story and learn about our transformation.

Schoology is our learning management system our teachers use so our students can access the curricula on their Google Chromebooks.

Google Chromebooks represent our 1:1 learning initiative. All students beginning in 3rd grade and continuing through graduation are assigned a Chromebook. Elementary students use the devices in the classroom, while secondary students may use the devices at home. Read more about our 1:1 Chromebook Initiative which includes links to a student handbook, agreements, and FAQ.

Chrome Depot is a class at Sapulpa High School where students experience working in a real-life tech support environment while supporting the instructional technology programs at Sapulpa Public Schools. Students who are interested in interning with Chrome Depot should read the objectives and expectations necessary to fulfill the responsibility and submit an application.