Report a Safety Concern

Sapulpa Public Schools strives consistently to maintain a safe and secure school environment. If you see or hear something suspicious, say something!

Vector Alert, an anonymous threat and safety reporting tool, is available starting in January 2024. If you have information about a threat to our safety, do your part and report it. You do not have to leave your name.

Sapulpa's district code is 2180.

You may report tips on
- Bullying
- Harassment
- Intimidation
- Threats
- Weapons
- Drugs
- Other safety or security concerns

Vector Solutions Logo

Click "Alert Your School" below to submit a safety concern:

Click below to report bullying:

Click below to submit a general tip:

Click below to give kudos to safety and security staff:

Vector Alert Logo
Get the Alert app:
- SafeSchools Alert on App Store
- Vector Alert on Google Play 

Other ways to report:

Visit the website :
- Email your tip to [email protected]
- Call to report your tip to 918-347-4179
- Text your tip to 918-347-4179

All tips submitted are taken seriously and will be acted upon. Please be responsible with your submission.

The tip reporting service will be monitored during school hours on school days. In an emergency, dial 911.

Report a safety concern by texting 918-347-4179. Sapulpa District code is 2180. Monitored during school hours on school days. In an emergency Dial 911