Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Director Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: This course is available to all 10th-12th grade students who have the approval of the high school directors. High school band will be scheduled to meet daily during first hour. The Marching Band will include all students enrolled in Band and will meet at 7:00 a.m. daily during football season. Summer rehearsals and additional rehearsals during the school year will be scheduled as necessary by the director. Attendance at public performances and all rehearsals will be required. Students will be assigned an ensemble for the concert band season based on the results of auditions held in November. Both Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band are open to students in grades 9-12. Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band rehearsals may begin as early as 7:00 a.m. Students will be exposed to a variety of musical styles and genres. In addition to the full ensemble experience, students will have opportunities to compete at Solo and Ensemble Contest, as well as audition for the All-Region and All-State ensembles. Students who would like to participate in Color Guard and play an instrument should enroll in this class. Enrollment is by permission only and is two semesters unless special arrangements are made with the director.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Band Director Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: Jazz Ensemble is available to all 10th-12th grade students who are regularly enrolled in concert band and have the approval of the directors. Students will perform for the community and at school events and will represent their school in appropriate contests and festivals. Attendance at public performances will be required of all students enrolled.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10- 12
Prerequisite: Audition and Band Director Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: Auditions for the Color Guard and Winter Guard are open to any student who will be in grades 10-12. The number of participants will be determined by the Band Staff. Rehearsals during the summer and over the course of the semester will be required. Enrollment is by permission only.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Band Director Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: Applied music is an elective for students wishing to enhance their instrumental music skills. This course will provide an in-depth opportunity not only to study music but also to prepare for All-Region and All-State auditions, Solo and Ensemble competition, and college scholarship auditions. The following requirements exist for enrollment in this course: 1st semester must audition for All-State and All Region; 2nd semester must participate in the OSSAA District Solo Contest and the school musical (if needed). Enrollment is by permission only.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Band Director Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: This class is for students who are interested in becoming band directors, marching show writers, composers, etc. and can benefit by having a high school class to prepare them for what’s next. This is a great way to explore a career in music in a more low-risk environment than college.
We will cover basic music theory, conducting, music score study, and teaching/sequencing music. This class includes supervised real-life classroom teaching experience at the middle school and the opportunity to conduct at a public concert or event. Depending on availability, field trips to observe other band programs and professional performances could be included. Enrollment is by permission only.