One Semester Class
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisite: Must be on track for graduation
Credit Value: .5 per class each semester/Elective (maximum of two classes per semester)
Course Description:
* PEER TUTORING Peer Tutors will work in one-on-one and group settings assisting students and staff with academics, social skills, daily living skills, and vocational skills. Peer tutors are expected to be role models and remain actively engaged with students in the classroom for the entire class period. A positive attitude and good attendance is a must. All peer tutors will earn a letter grade based on daily performance. Peer tutors must be approved by a teacher or counselor.
* OFFICE AIDES for ATTENDANCE/MAIN OFFICE/INDIAN EDUCATION/ LIBRARY/COUNSELOR/ATHLETIC Students will assist office/library/counseling staff in a variety of general office assignments. It is a privilege to work as an office/library/counseling aide; students must be and remain in good discipline and academic standing and confidentiality is extremely important. Students should bring work to class each day to work on during down time.
* COMMUNITY PAID AND UNPAID INTERNSHIPS The Sapulpa Internship Program provides an authentic experience in the business world. Students are familiarized with the professional and decision making processes, which will allow them to hone in on their talents, goals, abilities, and interests.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Application and approval from Instructional Technology Coordinator (email [email protected] for a copy of the application)
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: Chrome Depot is a class where students experience working in a real life tech support environment while supporting the instructional technology programs at Sapulpa Public Schools.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: Yearbook is a highly challenging class offering training in computer graphics and desktop mastery of Adobe Indesign and Adobe Photoshop CS5. Students are trained and guided in the production of the school’s yearbook that is published and delivered in the spring of the school year. Students spend many hours after school designing, creating, editing, writing, cropping, scanning and placing text as well as pictures. In addition, they obtain skills they can take to the workforce. The knowledge base they obtain concerning photography, graphic design, computer software, computer hardware, human relations, writing and meeting deadlines will be invaluable skills.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: Students who are members of students council, officers of any club, organization, or team may enroll in the class. The purpose of this class is to train student leaders in the various aspects of student leadership and to provide regular class time for performance of tasks associated with the office to which each has been elected. Experiences will include representative student government and human relations with peer groups, faculty, and administration. Course content will include basic techniques of leadership, goal setting, organizational skills, meetings, group effectiveness, communication, motivation, problem solving, decision making, public relations, and evaluation. Students must follow all school and teacher requirements as well as attend and participate in select school events and extra-curricular activities, in order to maintain enrollment in the class.