The pre-enrollment process for the upcoming school year is held each February for students. This process includes students viewing an enrollment video presentation through their English classes, receiving their individual updated transcripts with paper preplanning sheets, and finishing the process by entering their course requests via their PowerSchool Class Registration Button. All students in an online or TCC English class will receive the above via their school email.
The interactive Curriculum Guide serves as an important and useful resource during the pre-enrollment process. This guide is a synopsis of the courses to be offered during the 2023-2024 school year. It is designed to help students and parents select both required and elective courses for pre-enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. To be offered, each course must have a specified number of pre-enrolled students. Demand for the course and classroom availability determines final class offerings.
• Course descriptions are listed by department.
• Prerequisite: This course must have been previously completed.
• Application Approval: Teacher must email the counselor.
• Required: These courses must be taken by all students as mandated by the State of Oklahoma or the Sapulpa Board of Education.
Non-Discrimination: Independent School District I-33 of Creek County, Oklahoma does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, color, religion, age, qualified individual with a disability, or sex: nor does the district discriminate in educational programs or activities.
The Curriculum Guide is a living document and is subject to change. All changes will be noted in blue in the document.