Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: Students learn in a project-based environment, planning, executing, writing and editing video stories, learning how to speak on camera while using state-of-the-art equipment that includes video cameras, video and audio mixers, lighting and editing systems. Effectively written scripts will be stressed. Content will be broadcast on Chieftain Television. Students will learn pre-production, production, post-production and live stream processes. Students will have the opportunity to work with the large-screen scoreboards at the Chieftain Center and Collins stadium. While skills in technology are welcome, no experience is necessary for this class. This course will require attendance at school events that are outside of normal school hours.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Applied Communications and Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: This is the second year of Applied Communications. Students will learn in a project-based environment, planning, executing, writing and editing video stories, learning how to speak on camera while using state-of-the-art equipment that includes video cameras, video and audio mixers, lighting and editing systems. Effective and clear communication will be at the center of production activities and content will be broadcast on Chieftain Television. Students will learn pre-production, production, post-production and live stream processes. Students will have the opportunity to work with the large-screen scoreboards at the Chieftain Center and Collins Stadium. Production as well as supervisory procedures will be practiced.While skills in technology are welcome, no experience is necessary for this class. This course will require attendance at school events that are outside of normal school hours.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: Students will learn to envision, plan and create audio presentations that can become effective podcasts. The majority of the assignments will be “hands on” assignments with students having the opportunity to serve in each role of creating an effective podcast. Students will also learn to manage and publish the podcasts that they have created. Although audio editing software will be used in the class, no technical experience is necessary.