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Concurrent enrollment refers to eligible high school juniors and seniors who enroll in college courses and earn both high school and college credit. The State of Oklahoma will pay for up to nine (9) credit hours for juniors and up to 18 credit hours for seniors. In addition, Oklahoma GEAR UP will pay concurrent enrollment fees for Sapulpa High School seniors. More details on GEAR UP requirements soon. Concurrent enrollment tuition and fee waivers are subject to available funding.

TCC Concurrent Enrollment
Step Sheet

STEP 1: Apply to TCC

*Email your counselor that you are applying and ask for a transcript to upload in your application.

*Once you have completed the admissions application process, you will be provided a student ID
Number (T-Number) via email (do not use your school email). This process usually takes 5-7 days to complete. Once you receive your ID Number, follow the directions on setting up your My TCC account.

STEP 2: Email with your High School Counselor

*After you have finished the admissions application process and have received your ID Number, 

email with your High School Counselor to discuss eligibility, course needs, and scheduling. 

STEP 3: Gather Course Information

*Check with your high school counselor for course schedules designed for your district or search for courses:

  1. Select your term (semester) from the dropdown menu and click “Continue”
  2. You can narrow your selections by “subject”, “course number” and/or “campus” and click SEARCH; OR you can simply click SEARCH to see all the courses

  3. Find the course: You can hover over the course name to see additional information and the specific section (like prerequisites, times, days, campus, online, classroom, blended, online live-Note that high school students may not enroll in zero level or corequisite sections). For each course, be sure to choose a second choice/back-up course as well.

STEP 4: Complete and Submit Enrollment in the Dual Credit Enrollment Portal
*Initiate the enrollment process by logging into the Dual Credit Enrollment Portal using your MyTCC
login information. Please know, you must enter a parent email and your parent must approve
before you will be able to do your course selection. Once you come to the course selection, refer back
to the course numbers you gathered from step 3, click on “ add course,” find that course, and then
add/submit. You will do the same for your back-up (2nd choice) course.   

STEP 5: Verify your Enrollment
*You may verify your enrollment by viewing your schedule through your MyTCC account. Your schedule
  is located in MyTCC under My Account in the Enrollment & Registration Tools section.

*If you have any issues logging into MyTCC, call (918) 595-2000.

TCC Concurrent Enrollment
Other Important Information

TCC ADMISSION Requirements

National ACT: 19 OR

Residual ACT: 19 (Only 1 residual ACT per year (11/1-10/31) OR

Pre-ACT (10th Grade): 19  ///  PSAT (10th Grade): 980  ///  SAT: 980 OR

GPA for accredited high school students only: Unweighted 3.0

National ACT: 19 OR

Residual ACT: 19 (Only 1 residual ACT per year (11/1-10/31) OR

Pre-ACT (10th Grade): 19  ///  PSAT (10th Grade): 980  ///  SAT: 980 OR

GPA for accredited high school students only: Unweighted 3.0


English: 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore AND 19 ACT/Pre-ACT English subscore
                                              OR 3.2 Unweighted GPA

Math: 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore AND 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Math subscore
        OR 3.4 Unweighted GPA

Other (ex. History): 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore
        OR 3.2 Unweighted GPA

English: 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore AND 19 ACT/Pre-ACT English subscore
                                              OR 3.2 Unweighted GPA

Math: 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore AND 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Math subscore
        OR 3.4 Unweighted GPA

Other (ex. History): 19 ACT/Pre-ACT Reading subscore
        OR 3.2 Unweighted GPA

***To qualify for enrollment using GPA as a Junior, you must have a completed 10th grade
transcript, therefore you will not be able to enroll until mid-late June***


*Seniors receive the A.C.E. tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours/Juniors up to 12 credit hours-this is
tuition only-it is the responsibility of the student to pay for any course fees and materials.

*All concurrent students must maintain a college GPA of 2.0 or above to enroll in subsequent semesters.

*All students must be on track to graduate from high school with their cohort.

*Tuition waivers are not applied until after the drop date of each semester.

*Waivers must be “ACCEPTED” each semester through the student's MyTCC account.


*Fees for a standard 3-hour course vary based on where students attend courses and what courses are taken.

*An online technology fee, if applicable, is assessed for courses delivered online-Other fees may apply.

*All first-time entering students are charged a one time admission fee of $20.


*College records are permanent; therefore, it’s important to maintain your grades while at TCC,
even while in high school. If a student’s grades fall below the cumulative 2.0, they will not be allowed to
re-enroll in the dual enrollment program. Withdrawing from a course after the 100% refund drop deadline,
will result in a “W” on the college transcript and may affect future college financial aid.