The following sports will be 1-2 semester courses per coach request. The coach in charge of the following sports must give special permission. Some sports require transportation before or after practice.
Semester: 1 and/or 2
Grades: 10-12
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Prerequisite: The following must be completed before a student is able to participate in the sport: Physical, Drug Test, and the following online forms filled out: Emergency Information, Insurance and Transportation Release, OSSAA Eligibility form, Athletic Participant Form, Drug Testing Consent, Concussion and Impact Acknowledgement, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement, HB2615 Acknowledgment, and Student Handbook Acknowledgement
Basketball – Girls and Boys
Cross Country – Girls and Boys (Fall Only)
Fast-Pitch Softball
Golf – Girls and Boys (Spring Only)
Soccer – Girls and Boys
Tennis – Girls and Boys
Track – Girls and Boys (Spring Only)
Volleyball - Girls
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Interview/application selection process only
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: The expectations of a student athletic trainer include the care of athletic injuries and maintenance of our athletic training facilities. Student athletic trainers must be present at all practices and games. This includes weekdays, weekends, and some holidays and breaks. Students are to act in a professional manner and are expected to maintain a satisfactory grade point average. You are a positive reflection of yourself, your school, your community, and Sapulpa Sports Medicine. Student Athletic Trainers are required to obtain certification in First Aid/CPR/AED training prior to the beginning of the school year at the student's cost.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: P.E. will teach basic skills in certain individual and team sports and include leisure skills. Importance is placed on physical fitness, flexibility, and cooperation. Students are required to dress out and participate in all activities. Note: Concurrent enrollment in athletics and P.E. is not permitted.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Athletics
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: This class is designed for those students who are involved with competitive athletics. Strength and Conditioning includes a wide variety of exercises, lifts, and techniques designed to maximize one’s overall total fitness, strength, and agility. Throughout the course, the athletes will gain a better understanding of human musculature, and how to target specific areas that will enable them to reach personal goals. Finally, this course will enable athletes to benefit from sport specific movements allowing each student more functional strength for the sport they compete in.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Athletics
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: This class is designed for those students who are involved with competitive athletics. Strength and Conditioning includes a wide variety of exercises, lifts, and techniques designed to maximize one’s overall total fitness, strength, and agility. Throughout the course, the athletes will gain a better understanding of human musculature, and how to target specific areas that will enable them to reach personal goals. Finally, this course will enable athletes to benefit from sport specific movements allowing each student more functional strength for the sport they compete in.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Tryouts
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: This class is designed to allow students the opportunity to work on dance techniques, physical training, choreography, and dance routines. All dancers and parents must sign and follow the rules, contract, and handbook. Dancers attend and perform at football and basketball games, outside activities, and competitions. They may be required to practice on non-class days, before school and specially called times; attendance is mandatory. This class may or may not receive fine arts credits toward graduation on a year to year basis.