Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Audition
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: This group is the high school competitive choir. Students must be proficient singers and preferably have previous choral and vocal sight-reading experience. This choir will perform standard choral music from a variety of musical periods and styles. The focus of the class will be on continually improving vocal and choral technique, increasing musicality, and growing in sight-reading skills. Performances and contests are mandatory. Students must maintain eligibility in order to remain in the class.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Audition
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts
Course Description: This group is the high school entertainment choir. Students must be strong vocalists, highly skilled in singing harmony and performance. Jazz Choir will usually consist of 16 singers. This choir will perform at many school and community events. Students will prepare and perform primarily jazz and pop styles of music. The focus of the class will be on continually improving vocal jazz technique, increasing musicality and growing in harmonization skills. Performances are mandatory. Students must maintain eligibility in order to remain in the class.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Fine Arts; advanced class on 5.0 GPA scale
Course Description: Music Theory is a class focusing on the study of music notation, form and structure. It is designed to prepare students who may be continuing to study music in college. Students will reinforce their knowledge of music notation and learn how to build chords, scales and chord progressions. They will also strengthen their ability to sight-sing and identify/dictate musical patterns aurally. Students who take this course need to have had significant training in music: this could be years of experience in choir, band or piano. Please see Mrs. Myers if you have questions as to whether or not you have the musical background to take this course.