Full-Year Class
Grades: 10
Prerequisite: None
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Computer
Course Description: This course will prepare students for positions in business using computers in the Windows environment. This course will also introduce students to the basic skills, principles, techniques, and attitudes that encompass today’s business world. Integration of computer and business skills will enable students to excel in written and verbal communication, computational skills, record management, and the Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. This course is a prerequisite for all other Career Tech business courses. Certification Exam Provided.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Technology
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Computer
Course Description: This Career Tech course builds on the core business skills and will provide students with the concepts, principles, and attitudes needed to understand how an office is operated and managed in a rapidly changing global environment. The integration of state-of-the-art personal computing is done throughout the course. Certification Exam Provided.
Pathways Include:

Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Technology
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Computer
Course Description: Digital Marketing focuses on the ways in which traditional marketing strategies can be applied to the digital world. Students will explore high-level approaches to marketing strategies utilizing mobile technology, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO). Certification Exam Provided.
Pathways Include:

Full-Year Class
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Technology
Credit Value: .5 per semester/Elective
Course Description: This course will provide students with fundamental concepts, principles and ideas needed to understand the basics of entrepreneurship in business management. Skills demonstrated are as follows: develop a business plan, identify marketing needs and insurance concepts pertaining to a business, how to market a business, maintain records and accounting processes, manage finances, integrate technology into the business functions, apply legal, ethical and social obligations, and analyze the growth of today's marketplace. Certification Exam Provided.