Full-Year Class
Grades: 10
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English
Course Description: Composition concentrates on writing paragraphs with an introduction to writing a five-paragraph essay and an introduction to the research paper. The literary focus is on world literature by genre. Literary terms and a grammar review are also included. Students continue their preparation for the ACT.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 10
Prerequisite: Honors English I preferred
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English; advanced class on 5.0 GPA scale
Course Description: This course prepares students for college level or Advanced Placement courses in the 11th or 12th grades with a focus on the critical reading of texts, analytical thinking, and communicating effectively through writing. These classes are more demanding than traditional language arts classes, and students are expected to devote more time and energy than they might in a standard language arts class.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 11
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English
Course Description: Composition concentrates on writing essays and the research paper. The literary focus is on American literature and history. Students also continue their preparation for the ACT.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 12
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English
Course Description: This course concentrates on developing a research paper and on writing essays. The literature component focuses on English literature and history. Students also review for the ACT test and prepare for the financial literacy module. Both the research paper and financial literacy are required for graduation.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation.
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English; advanced class on 5.0 GPA scale
Fees: Student pays reduced price for AP exam in May
Course Description: In this course, students will gain experience in close reading and examining rhetorical strategies in various contexts with rigor. They will be expected to read critically, think analytically, and communicate clearly both in writing and in speech. At the conclusion of the class, students will be able to take the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exam for college credit.
Full-Year Class
Grades: 12
Prerequisite: AP Language and Composition
Credit Value: .5 per semester/English; advanced class on 5.0 GPA scale
Fees: Student pays reduced price for AP exam in May
Course Description: This is the culminating class of the AP program. It stresses careful reading of various literary classics with rigor. Students will write numerous essays, either as timed writings in class or as documented papers prepared out of class. Style analysis training and practice for the AP English Literature and Composition examination will be emphasized. At the conclusion of the class, students will be able to take the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition exam for college credit.