Sapulpa cafeteria employees feed students during walk-out
Posted on 04/02/2018
SAPULPA PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Not all of our employees were in Oklahoma City petitioning the state legislature for increased funding for public education.

A number of our cafeteria workers opened up Holmes Park Elementary to prepare breakfast and lunch for students in the district.

Sapulpa Public Schools provided meals for four locations around town. Our employees were prepared to feed 600 students but only ended up feeding approximately 100. The majority of which were at the Salvation Army.

There were eight employees to start the day, but according to Nancy Sitler, Director of Child Nutrition, she had plenty of offers to help.

"I've got the greatest employees. They just all said, 'Me. Me. Me. Me. We'll help. We'll help,'" said Sitler.

LIST: Places your children can get breakfast and lunch during the walk-out